Principal's Message


Kei te kōpuni rangatira, tēnā koutou.

Nau mai, tatū mai ki tēnei pae tukutuku, arā, te pae tukutuku o Te Kura Tuarua o Te Tai Tokerau.

I welcome you to Northland College with pride. Our learning environment is founded on our school values of Mana Tangata; Aroha; Whanaungatanga; and Kawenga Ako. From this foundation we look to establish successful academic, vocational and creative pathways for our learners.

At Northland College we believe that through providing a range of experiences and opportunities for our ākonga we can support them to realise their potential, and ultimately graduate as people who will make a positive contribution to our community.

We value partnership with our whānau, hapū and iwi and will work together with you to empower our ākonga to achieve personal excellence and success.

Our whānau groups of Manu Taki, Manu Tāiko, Manu Tūtei and Manu Taupua provide the basis of our pastoral care system. Each whānau is led by Pouārahi (Deans) and made up of smaller learner groups led by Kaiārahi (form teachers). Kaiārahi are responsible for monitoring the progress of ākonga and ensuring that effective communication occurs with whānau are required.

We welcome visits by appointment and enrolment packs and information can be collected from our helpful staff at reception.

Nō reira, peka mai e te iwi!


Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Dream Builders Bay of Islands Limited Unichem Orrs Pharmacy Kaikohe Pizza Hut Kaikohe Broadway Health
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